Library Policies
Adopted January 6, 2020
This policy outlines the criteria used for deselecting titles from the library's circulating collection.
Adopted March 9, 2020
This policy outlines the opioid overdose prevention methods that the library is taking to protect and support community members who may be struggling with addiction.
Adopted January 30, 2024
This policy establishes guidelines for the use of the Community Room and the Lucy Wright Case Reading Room.
Adopted January 30, 2024
This policy is intended to communicate the Board of Trustees’ intention to comply with Vermont’s Open Meeting Law and outline the basic elements of compliance.
Adopted November 9, 2020
This policy establishes responsibility for library closure decisions and determines protocol for communicating closures to the public.
Adopted December 14, 2020
This policy established the rules for lending items from the library's collection of non-traditional materials .
Adopted October 4, 2021
This policy outlined the scope of the SWPL local history collection and establishes rules responsibility for the acquisition, maintenance, and deaccessioning of local history materials.
Adopted October 4, 2021
The primary purpose of the Solomon Wright Public Library Policy on Art Exhibits is to enrich the library experience of the SWPL Patrons
Libraries are a cornerstone of democracy,
where information is free and equally available to everyone. People tend to take that for granted, and they don’t realize what is at stake when that is put at risk.